Changes to Permitted Development – Changes to Householder Permitted Development Rights 20 Annex 1 Householder Permitted Development Rights Existing Tolerance Proposed Tolerance Class 1A.1(a); Class 1B.1(d); Class 1E.1(c) [in conjunction with 1A.3(a)] Cumulative volume limitation on extensions/roof extensions/outbuildings larger than 10 cu m within 5m of the house: 70 cu m/15% for detached/semi-detached; 50 cu m/10% for terraced; Maximum 115 cu m for all house types Depth limitation on rear extensions: Single storey: 4m (attached), 5m (detached); Two storey: 3m (attached), 4m (detached) Width limitation on side extensions: 50% of width of original dwellinghouse Limitations for 2 storey or higher rear extensions: Minimum 7m to rear boundary; Roof pitch to match main house; Any side-facing windows to be obscure glazed and non-opening Other limitations: No terraces or balconies; Materials to match Class 1A.1(a); Class 1B.1(d), Class 1E.1(f) Cumulative volume limitation on extensions/ outbuildings larger than 10 cu m on Article 1(5)* land: Maximum 50 cu m/10% for all house types; Maximum 115 cu m for all house types; No roof extensions; Maximum 10 cu m for each outbuilding In National Parks/AONB’s/World Heritage Sites: Maximum floor area of outbuildings/swimming pools more than 20m from the house: 10 sq m In designated areas: No extensions or outbuildings to the side of dwellinghouses; No roof extensions Within the curtilage of listed buildings: Maximum floor area of outbuildings: 3 sq m Class 1A.2 Various forms of cladding prevented on Article 1(5)* land All forms of cladding prevented in designated areas Class 1B.1(c) Volume limitation on roof extensions: 50 cu m for detached/semi-detached; 40 cu m for terraced Size limitation on roof extensions: Minimum 1m from eaves, ridge, verge (and party wall) Other limitations: No front or side roof extensions; No terraces or balconies; Materials to match; Any side-facing windows to be obscure-glazed and non-opening Class 1A.1(d) Limitation on height of extensions near boundaries: Maximum 4m high within 2m of a boundary Height limitation on extensions: 3m to eaves within 2m of a boundary; 4m to ridge within 2m of a boundary; 4m for side extensions; Within 2m of a boundary or to the side of a dwellinghouse extensions to be single storey only Class 1A.1(b); Class 1B.1(a) Extensions/roof extensions to be no higher than existing house Eaves and ridge height of extensions to be no higher than the eaves and ridge of the main part of the dwellinghouse * Article 1(5) land includes sensitive areas such as National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Conservations Areas and areas of ecological importance 21 Existing Tolerance Proposed Tolerance Class 1A.1(e); Class 1E.1 (e) Maximum 50% ground coverage of extensions/ outbuildings (excluding the area of the original house) Extensions and outbuildings to cover a maximum of 50% of private garden area Class 1A.1(c); Class 1B.1(g); Class 1E.1(g); Class 1G.1(c) Extensions/roof extensions/outbuildings/oil storage containers to be no nearer a highway than the original house Extensions/roof extensions/outbuildings not to come forward of the principal elevation or side elevations facing a highway Class 1E.1(d); Class 1G.1(g) Limitation on height of outbuildings/oil storage containers: 4m for outbuildings with a ridged roof; 3m for outbuildings with a flat roof and oil storage containers Height limitation on outbuildings: 2.5m to eaves, 4m to ridge (dual pitched), 3m (monopitched) 2.5m to ridge within 2m of a boundary Floor area limitation: 20 sq m if the rear garden is less than 100 sq m; 30 sq m if the rear garden exceeds 100 sq m Other limitations: Single storey only; No terraces or balconies; Class 1C.1 Roof alterations not to materially alter roofshape Limitations on roof alterations (Entec study): Maximum upstand of 150mm (120mm in sensitive areas); Maximum 60% roof coverage (50% in sensitive areas) Class 1D.1(a); Class 1D.1(b); Class 1D.1(c) Restrictions on porch size: 3sq m in area; 3m high; Minimum 2m back from a highway No change Class F Hard surfaces unrestricted provided incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse No change Class 2A.1(a); Class 2A.1(b) Limitations on height of means of enclosure: 1m facing a highway 2m elsewhere No change Class 2B Creation of means of access unrestricted except onto trunk or classified roads No change; delete requirement that accesses must be required in connection with another class of development Class 2C.1 Painting exterior allowed provided it is not for the purpose of advertising No change Annex 1