Agenda item

(14/04721/VAR) - Treesway, Lodge Road, Bromley




Description of application - Application to vary Condition 5 of planning permission reference 14/01529 from 'Within two months of the date of decision notice all flank windows shall be incapable of being opened and shall be obscure glazed to a minimum of privacy level 3 (using five levels of privacy with 5 providing the most obscure in line with the Permitted development for householders - Technical guidance) and shall subsequently be permanenlty retained as such' to 'All flank windows at first floor level should be obscure glazed and openable in order to allow for natural ventilation.  In the roofspace the three lower rooflight windows should be obscure glazed and permanently fixed shut'.


Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED as recommended, for the reason set out in the report of the Chief Planner.


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