Agenda item

(16/00240/FULL1) - 6A Beaconsfield Road, Bickley BR1 2BP




Description of application – Demolition of existing building at 6 and 6A Beaconsfield Road and erection of detached two storey building with accommodation in roof comprising 4 two bedroom flats with associated car parking, cycle and refuse stores and landscaping.


Oral representations in objection to and in support of the application were received.  Oral representations from Ward Member Councillor Kate Lymer in objection to the application were received at the meeting.

It was reported that further objections to the application had been received together with further photographs which had been circulated to Members.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reasons:-

1  The proposal, as a result of its design, considerable bulk and mass and projection beyond the established front building line, is considered to represent an overdevelopment of the site that would be out of character with the street scene and result in a diminution of spatial standards that would be harmful to the area, thereby contrary to Policies BE1 and H7 of the Unitary Development Plan (2006).

2  The proposed balconies are considered to cause actual and perceived overlooking of the neighbouring properties and will result in a loss of privacy that will be detrimental to the residential amenities of the adjoining properties, contrary to Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan (2006).

3  The proposed development, by virtue of the loss of green amenity space, is considered to adversely impact upon the verdant character of the wider locality contrary to Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan (2006).


Supporting documents: