Agenda item

(16/00583/FULL1) - 38 Hawthorne Road, Bickley BR1 2HH




Description of application – Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 detached two storey 4 bedroom dwellings including accommodation in roofspace and integral garage and new vehicular access.


It was reported that the published site plan was incorrect; an amended version was circulated to Members.

Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reasons:-

1  The proposed development results in the loss of a Locally Listed Building which is considered of significant merit in terms of its character and design.  Whilst it is recognised that the property has been fire damaged, planning permission has previously been granted for its repair and reinstatement.  This is a character property that has the potential to again make a substantial positive contribution to the wider locality and it is considered that there is insufficient justification for its loss which would be detrimental to the area and contrary to Policy BE10 of the Unitary Development Plan (2006) and should therefore be resisted.

2  The plot of 38 Hawthorn Road has already been sub-divided and the proposed development which includes a further sub-division, is considered to represent an unacceptable overdevelopment and over intensification of the use of the site, contrary to the prevailing spatial standards of the wider locality contrary to Policies BE1 and H7 of the Unitary Development Plan (2006).

3  The bulk and mass of the proposed development is considered to be excessive and represent an overdevelopment of the site that would be detrimental to the street scene and the wider character and visual amenities of the area, contrary to Policies BE1 and H7 of the Unitary Development Plan (2006).


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