Agenda item

(15/02145/FULL1) - St Raphaels Residential Home, 32 Orchard Road, Bromley BR1 2PS

(Report to follow)




Description of application – Demolition of existing care home and erection of a part one/two/three storey building with an additional storey of accommodation within the roofspace comprising 75 retirement living apartments (51x2 bed and 24x1 bed) with basement level ancillary facilities, parking for 52 cars (33 at basement level, 19 surface level), cycle parking spaces, refuse storage and landscaping.


Oral representations in objection to and in support of the application were received.  Oral representations from Ward Member Councillor Catherine Rideout in objection to the application were also received at the meeting and can be viewed as Appendix 1 to these Minutes.

The Planning Officer reported that additional representations and a further letter from the applicant’s agents had been received.  The SPG 2012 referred to in the report had been superseded by SPG 2016 adopted in March 2016.  No objections to the application were received from Highways Division.  Whilst the planning officer recommendation remained the same, permission would be subject to any Direction by the Mayor of London.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reasons:-

1  The proposed development, by virtue of its bulk and mass, would result in an overdevelopment of the site, harmful to the character and appearance of the area, contrary to Policies BE1 and H7 of the Unitary Development Plan (2006), Policy 3.5 of the London Plan (2015) and Section 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

2  The proposed off street parking would be insufficient to meet the needs of the development by reason of inadequate number of spaces and the proposal would cause an unacceptable impact upon the surrounding highway network, giving rise to highway safety issues contrary to policies T3 and T18 of the Unitary Development Plan (2006), Policy 6.13 of the London Plan (2015) and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Councillor Dean’s vote against refusal was noted and Councillor Mellor abstained from voting.


Supporting documents: