Agenda item



Report FSD17054


The report provided a broad overview of the Council’s provisional 2016/17 outturn both Council-wide and at portfolio level. Potential implications for 2017/18 were also summarised.


The provisional outturn provided for no overall net movement in general fund balances, subject to approval of a contribution to the Growth Fund (a further £3.3m from underspends in Central Contingency). The net variation on the Central Contingency amounted to a £3.7m under-spend and would be set aside to fund the net overspend within Portfolio budgets so avoiding a draw-down on reserves to fund in-year cost pressures. 


More detailed reports would be submitted to individual PDS Committees and the Education, Children and Families Budget and Performance Sub-Committee. Details of carry forward requests and a summary of the Council’s capital programme were also included in the report.


A summary of activity in the Recruitment and Retention fund for children’s social workers had been circulated. The fund had been established by the Executive in 2010 and had been used in 2010/11 and in 2016/17. In other years the R&R package had been funded from underspends within the Department. It was now proposed to add a further £855,343k to the fund from reserves – this was not all intended to be spent in 2017/18, but would allow time to consider longer term funding.




(1) The provisional revenue and capital outturns for the 2016/17 financial year and the earmarked balances on the General Fund as at 31st March 2017 be noted.


(2) It is noted that a more detailed analysis of the 2016/17 final outturn will be reported for each Portfolio to the relevant PDS committees.


(3) The variations in 2016/17 impacting on the Council’s 2017/18 financial position be noted.


(4) Comments from the Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Education, Care and Health Services and from the Executive Director of Environment and Community Services as detailed at Appendix 1B to the report be noted.


(5) The carry forwards of £113k related to repairs and maintenance, as detailed at Appendix 5 to the report, be noted.


(6) The requests for carry forwards totalling £560k (net), as detailed at Appendix 5 to the report be approved, subject to the funding being allocated to the Central Contingency to be drawn down on the approval of the relevant Portfolio Holder.


(7) A total of £573k funding from Central Contingency be released as detailed at paragraph 3.2.1 of the report.


(8) The return to Central Contingency of £88k as detailed at paragraph 3.2.2 of the report be noted.


(9) The Prior Year Adjustments totalling £66k as detailed at section 3.4 of the report be noted.


(10) A sum of £855k be set aside in an earmarked reserve for Children’s Social Care Recruitment and Retention as detailed at paragraph 4.5.1 of the report.


(11) A sum of £147k be set aside in an earmarked reserve for external professional advice, as detailed at paragraph 4.5.2 the report.


(12) A sum of £468k be transferred to the Winter Pressures earmarked reserve as detailed at paragraph 4.5.3 of the report.


(13) Council be recommended to approve the transfer of £3,311k to the Growth Fund as detailed at section 4.2 of the report.


(14) Council be recommended to agree a transfer of £2m to the Joint Initiatives and Pump Priming (BCF) earmarked reserve as detailed at section 4.4 of the report.

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