Agenda item


Members of the Committee are requested to bring their copy of the agenda for the Executive meeting on


The Committee considered the following reports on the Part 1 agenda for the meeting of the Executive on 28th March 2018:



  Report FSD18029


The Committee considered the third budget monitoring position for 2017/18 based on expenditure and activity levels up to the end of December 2017. 


The Chairman highlighted issues surrounding containing overspends in Children’s Services .  The Director of Commissioning confirmed that the issues were around ensuring the full year effects were managed into the 2018/19 financial year.


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to:


1.  Consider the latest financial position;

2.  Note that a projected net underspend on services of £1,058k is forecast based on information as at December 2017;

3.  Consider the comments from the Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Education, Care and Health Services, the Executive Director of Environment and Community Services and the Director of Corporate Services as detailed in Appendix 2;

4.  Note a projected variation of £769k credit from investment income;

5.  note a projected increase to the General Fund balance of £1,980k;

6.  Agree the release of £333k (net) from the 2017/18 Central Contingency;

7.  Note that reports elsewhere on the Executive agenda request the drawdown of £1,280k from the Central Contingency;

8.  Note the return to the Central Contingency of £92k;

9.  Note funding of £228k from the GLA for the period 2017/18 to 2019/20;

10.  Agree in principle the requests for carry forwards totalling £1,271k (net) subject to formal approval by Executive on 23rd May 2018;

11.  Note the full year costs pressures of £4.2m;

12.  Note the timing of the Provisional Final Accounts report;

13.  Identify any issues that should be referred to individual Portfolio Holders for further action.




The Committee considered a report seeking approval for: (1) the drawdown of £188,985 from the SEND Implementation (New Burdens) Grant 2018/19; (2) to draw down the remainder of the 2017/18 SEND Implementation (New Burdens) Grant 2017/18 (£20,977) which was kept in contingency; (3) drawdown £63,328 SEND Preparation for Employment grant; totalling a total grant drawdown of £273,290.


RESOLVED: That Executive be recommended to:


1.  Approve the drawdown of the final year of the SEND Implementation Grant 2018/19 of £188,985

2.  Approve the drawdown of the remainder of the 2017/18 SEND Implementation Grant of £20,977 kept in contingency

3.  Approve the drawdown of the SEND Preparation for Employment grant 2018/19 of £63,328

4.  Approve the total grant drawdown - £273,290




  Report DRR18/1014


The Committee considered a report setting out the proposed maintenance budgets and planned programme for 2018/19, requesting additional funding to ensure that the Council had sufficient funds to carry out annual fire risk assessments and any identified remedial works, providing an up-date on the lease review that had been undertaken to identify any further costs arising from additional statutory obligations, requesting additional funding to ensure that the Council had sufficient funds for the Central Depot Wall reconstruction, and outlining the financial implications arising from the expiry of the lease at Yeoman House, Penge.


The Chairman reported that in relation to the Fire Risk Assessments the Executive should be asked to further review the proposals and request soft market testing to ensure that any quotations were competitive.


Referring to the Planned Programme, a Member queried the future impact of including only the highest priority schemes.  The Senior Property Manager confirmed that any backlog in property maintenance could be contained.  Buildings were maintained to ensure that they remained open and safe for the staff and public occupying them.


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to


1.  agree to increase the Building Maintenance budget by £86k for fire risk assessments and cyclical maintenance for the reasons set out in the report which is to be funded from the Council’s 2018/19 Central Contingency.

2.  approve funding of up to £79k from the earmarked reserve for Infrastructure Investment to undertake the remedial works identified from the fire risk assessments, subject to the outcome of further review and soft market testing to ensure any quotations are competitive.

3.  approve an overall expenditure of £2,173k for the Building Maintenance budget in 2018/2019, subject to the Council agreeing the budget.

4.  approve the planned programme in Appendix A of the report.

5.  delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration to vary the programmes to accommodate any change in the approved budget or where such action is considered necessary to either protect the Council’s assets or make the most effective use of resources.

6.  approve the carrying forward to 2018/19 the sum of £163k for the Central Depot Wall.

7.  approve funding of £500k from the earmarked reserve for Infrastructure Investment to add to the sums already set aside for the Central Depot Wall, making a total budget of £716k.

8.  add the Central Depot Wall scheme to the 2018/19 capital programme with a total scheme cost of £716k, funded from the £163k carry forward sum and £553k from the earmarked reserve for Infrastructure Investment.

9.  note that the part year saving of £44k relating to Yeoman House will be returned to the 2018/19 Central Contingency

10.  note that a future report on the maintenance issues for the Churchill Theatre/Central Library will be brought back to Members.