Agenda item



Report DRR18/053


Members considered the detailed designs and costing for the remaining elements of the Bromley Town Centre improvements scheme namely, the two commercial units/shops and mirrored canopies.


Approval was sought for an additional £1.615m to be allocated from the Growth Fund to the Bromley High Street Improvement capital scheme, thereby increasing the scheme’s overall budget to £5.075m.


It was proposed in the report that approval of any minor amendments to the design of the commercial units/shops and mirrored canopies be delegated to the Director of Regeneration and the Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation and Housing. 


Authority was also sought to submit a planning application(s) for the commercial units/shops and the mirrored canopies.


A sample of the polished steel to be used for the mirrored canopies was circulated to Members.  The Chairman raised concerns regarding the increased cost of the mirrored canopies.  Members questioned the overall cost of the canopies and the cost plan supporting the estimated costings.  The Head of Renewal explained the background to the design development of the canopies and how they represented an ambitious and transformational element of the whole improvement scheme and formed an integral part of the design.  They were to be the centre piece of the street garden providing a focal point for the commercial units and raised planters, in addition to providing a multi-functional space for activities.  It was acknowledged that the cost per square metre for the mirrored canopies was expensive.  However, this reflected the bespoke nature of the mirrored canopies design and quality of the selected materials.  The cost plan had been prepared by the Council’s TFM Term Contractor and was based on established industry methodology.  It was acknowledged that construction costs could be driven down through a competitive tender process.


Whilst acknowledging the design concept would improve the high street, the Chairman could not recommend spending £1.2m on canopies.  Members agreed with the Chairman and suggested this part of the design proposal be reconsidered.  Members agreed to recommend the Portfolio Holder’s suggestion that a maximum budget of £800k should be set for this element of the improvement scheme. 


The Committee supported the implementation of the commercial units and recommended that a percentage of the rental income achieved above 8% should be allocated to support the maintenance and enhanced cleaning of the pedestrianised High Street.


In regard to recommendation 2.5 (page 119), a motion to exclude the planning application for the mirrored canopies fell by a vote of 2-3.


RESOLVED that the report be noted and comments be provided to Members of the Executive. 


Taking the PDS Members’ views into account, the recommendations for the Executive were as follows:-


2.2  Approve the detailed design and implementation costs for the two commercial units/shops.


2.3  Approve the addition of £415k to the Bromley High Street Improvement capital scheme funded from the Growth Fund, thereby increasing the overall budget for the scheme to £3.875.


2.4  Delegate to the Director of Regeneration and the Portfolio Holder for Renewal and Recreation approval of any minor amendments to the design of the commercial units/shops.


2.5  Seek authority to submit a planning application(s) for the commercial units/shops and the mirrored canopies.


2.6  Recommend to the Executive that any income above an 8% return from two retail units be ring-fenced for street maintenance and cleansing in Bromley Town Centre.


2.7  Recommend that the detailed design and implementation costs of the two proposed canopies be capped at the original budget figure of £800,000.

Supporting documents: