Agenda item



The Portfolio Holder for Resources, Contracts and Commissioning, Cllr Graham Arthur, addressed the Committee highlighting that at the start of the year, 2019 promised to be an exciting year of significant change.  The successful outcome of the Ofsted Inspection of Children’s Services had rightly provided a boost to Staff and Members across the organisation.


  • On 16th January 2019, the Executive would approve the 2019/20 budget and four year financial forecast.  The report to the Executive also identified the three major financial challenges facing the Council which were: homelessness, learning disabilities, and adults social care.
  • Within the Portfolio, the increased workload in the Legal Service would need to be monitored.
  • Whilst the budget for 2019/20 was effectively balanced, the medium term budget deficit would need to be addressed.
  • Three areas of growth pressure that had been identified were: homelessness, learning disabilities, and adults social care.
  • 8 years ago the Council had undertaken a core service review which had identified statutory, desirable and discretionary services.  This had saved operating costs of £9m per year.  However, as a result of achieving these early savings the Council was now very efficient and opportunities for savings were much more limited.
  • The recent sale of the Old Town Hall had brought in some additional revenue.
  • There would need to be a major overhaul of working practices in property in order to address increases in demand in relation to temporary accommodation.
  • The Boundary Commission would be undertaking a review of Member numbers.  The Portfolio Holder noted that over the last 10 years the Council had gone through many changes yet the Councillor and Staffing Structure had largely remained unchanged and this needed to be reviewed and a process of transformation was required.


The Portfolio Holder concluded his presentation by affirming that the Council was well placed for what promised to be a very successful year.


In response to questions from Members, the Portfolio Holder made the following points:


  • Benefits of approximately £6m per year had been generated by the Mears Scheme.  Under the programme the Council had acquired 400 properties which were let to tenants for 2 years.  This meant that it was still classified as temporary accommodation.  A discussion now needed to take place around those tenants whose tenancies were coming to an end.  Consideration needed to be given to the next steps, such as selling the properties to the tenants on a shared ownership basis.  The Portfolio Holder confirmed that this would not impact the pension scheme as the Council would always look to retain 400 properties  If a second iteration of the scheme were to be embarked upon consideration would need to be given to the new model as it was unlikely that there would be a need to gift it to the pension fund.
  • The Portfolio Holder acknowledged that Artificial Intelligence was something to which the Council needed to give more consideration.  Whilst some staff had basic knowledge it was likely that in order to pursue the use of Artificial Intelligence the Council would need to bring in additional expertise.  The Portfolio Holder had visited LB Harrow with some staff.  Harrow was seen as Best Practice in this area and it was hoped that some knowledge could be shared going forward.
  • The Portfolio Holder recognised that as part of the commissioning process it made sense for PDS Committees to be provided with the scoring evaluation matrices as part of contract award reports.  The Committee agreed to recommend that detailed evaluation matrices should be included in future award of contract reports.


Action Pont 23: that detailed evaluation matrices should be included in future award of contract reports.


·  On the Civic Centre site both Joseph Lancaster and Anne Springman were now up for sale.


The Committee thanked the Portfolio Holder for his update.