Agenda item



Report CSD19048


The Committee considered a report setting out matters arising from previous meetings and a draft of the proposed Work Plan for 2019/20.  The report also set out proposals to decommission the Contracts and Commissioning Sub-Committee.  It was noted that once the Transformation Programme was under way Members may wish to give further consideration as to whether a new Sub-Committee was required to monitor the progress and implementation of the Programme.


In respect of Minute 111 (Risk Management) a Member sought an update on the ACM cladded building.  The Director of Finance reported that the matter was referred to the Council’s Directors Group.  The conclusion was that on the basis that it was not a Council owned building, and the Council role related to enforcement matters it would not be included in the  Risk Register.  A Member expressed concern suggesting that there was a reputational risk to the Council.  In response, the Chairman noted that there were numerous risks to the Council arising from third parties that were not included on the Risk Register.


In response to a question, the Director of Finance agreed to follow up the request for  the date that the debt management system would be implemented with  consideration given to late payment charges for commercial debt after  the meeting.


The Council’s Heritage Champion reported that he had not yet received an update in respect of plans for the windows in the Old Palace.  It was agreed that the Clerk would follow this up with the relevant Officers.


In response to a question concerning the marketing of the Ann Springman and Joseph Lancaster blocks, the Director of Finance reported that a number of bids had been received and a further update would be provided at a future meeting.


Turning to the issue of decommissioning the Contracts and Commissioning Sub-Committee, a Member expressed concern that not all Members had been consulted about the proposals.  It was noted that in the absence of the Commissioning Board there were a large number of questions being raised about levels of scrutiny.  It was suggested that an update should be provided to the next meeting.  In response, the Chairman confirmed that as soon as further details around the Council’s Transformation agenda emerged the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee would be able to ensure that sufficient levels of scrutiny were in place.  Members of the Committee noted that the Contracts and Commissioning Sub-Committee had done a great deal of good work and that there was now a clear role for PDS Chairman to ensure that any contracts considered by the Committees received an adequate level of detailed scrutiny.  It was also noted that a Procurement Board had been established to provide oversight of contract procedures in order to give assurances to Members and Chief Officers.  The Director of Finance confirmed that any  key issues that arise out of the transformation process would be reported  to the Executive which allows pre scrutiny through  Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee.  A Member noted that, to date, the only group of Members who had reviewed the Transformation Agenda was the Contracts and Commissioning Sub-Committee and that group was now being decommissioned.  Members needed assurances that there would be adequate scrutiny and it was suggested that a Transformation Update should be presented to the June meeting of the Executive for pre-decision scrutiny by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee at its first meeting of the new municipal year.  The Chairman suggested that the Executive should consider including an Update on the Transformation Programme as a standing item on each Executive agenda.  This would enable scrutiny by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee.


The Leader of the Council emphasised that the Transformation Programme was still going through its formative stages.  The Interim Chief Executive had undertaken to report back to the Executive in September 2019 and any reports arising from the initial work would be reported through relevant Committees for consideration by Members.




  1. Progress on matters arising from previous meetings be noted;


  1. The draft Work Programme for 2019/20 be noted; and


  1. The Contracts and Commissioning Sub-Committee be decommissioned.




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