Agenda item

(19/01543/FULL1) - Land at Junction with South Eden Park Road and Bucknall Way, Beckenham





Description of application – Residential development comprising erection of 6 x four storey buildings consisting of 10 four bedroom houses and 133 x one, two and three bedroom apartments together with concierges office. Construction of basement car park with 204 spaces. Central landscaped area with 10 visitor spaces cycle parking for 286 and refuse stores.


Oral representations in support of the application were received.  Oral representations from Ward Member, Councillor Peter Dean, were received at the meeting.  The agent had sent an email to Members on 28 August 2019 and it was also circulated at the meeting. 


Members having considered the report, objections,and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED, SUBJECT TO THE PRIOR COMPLETION OF A LEGAL AGREEMENT FOR HEALTH, EDUCATION AND CARBON OFF-SETTING, as recommended, and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report of the Assistant Director, Planning, with amendments,  to Conditions 2, 5 and 7 to read as follows:-

“2. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than

in complete accordance with the plans and documents listed in this

condition unless previously agreed in writing by the Local Planning


15124: P401 F; C401 C; P402 C; P403 D; P404 B; P407 B P410 B; P411 B;

P412 B; P412 B; P413 B; P414 B; P415 B; P416 B; P417 B; P418 B; P419 B; P420 B; P421 B; P422 B; P423 B; P424 B; P425 C; P426 C; P427 C; P428 C; P429 C; P430 C; P431 A; P432 A; P433 A; P434 A; P435 B; P440;

P441; P442; P340; and KEN 2016 18 D to include amended drawing numbered: No. “P436 B Block F Section and Roof Plan”.

5. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced prior to a contaminated land assessment and associated remedial strategy, together with a timetable of works, being submitted to and approved in writing by or on behalf of the Local Planning Authority.

(a)  A site investigation report detailing a proposed remediation strategy and a quality assurance scheme regarding implementation of remedial works shall be submitted. No remediation works shall commence on site prior to approval of these matters in writing by or on behalf of the Authority. The works shall be of such a nature so as to render harmless the identified contamination given the proposed end-use of the site and surrounding environment.

(b)  The remediation works approved under part a and all recommendations in the UXO report by Fellows dated 14th August 2018 shall be carried out in full on site in accordance with the approved quality assurance scheme to demonstrate compliance with the proposed methodology and best practise guidance.  If during any works contamination is encountered which has not previously been identified then the additional contamination shall be fully assessed and an appropriate remediation scheme submitted to the Authority for approval in writing by it or on its behalf.

(c)  Upon completion of the works, a closure report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by or on behalf of the Authority.  The closure report shall include details of the remediation works carried out, (including of waste materials removed from the site), the quality assurance certificates and details of post-remediation sampling.

(d)  The contaminated land assessment, site investigation (including report), remediation works and closure report shall all be carried out by contractor(s) approved in writing by or on behalf of the Authority.

REASON: Required prior to any commencement in order to prevent harm to human health and pollution of the environment and comply with Policy 118 of the Bromley Local Plan.

7. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the slab levels shown on the approved drawing No.15124 P407 B.  Notwithstanding the requirements of condition 13 and excluding the parts of the site which will be occupied by buildings, the existing site levels shown on drawing No.15124 S102 A ‘Existing Site Survey’, shall not be raised at any time without the prior approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall be permanently retained at the levels existing prior to commencement of the development unless otherwise approved by way of an application on that behalf.

REASON: In order to comply with Policy 37 of the Bromley Local Plan and in the interest of the visual and residential amenities of the area.”


Supporting documents: