Agenda item


Clock House, Copers Cope


Report CSD19181


At its meeting on 27 November 2019, the Executive considered a report on the Beckenham Library and Cultural Venue –Authority to Proceed to procurement.  The report had previously been scrutinised by the Renewal, Recreation and Housing PDS Committee at its meeting on 5 November 2019 and by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee on 20 November 2019.  The Executive decided to approve the proposals as recommended in the report however, the decision had been called in by Councillors Josh King, Angela Wilkins, Vanessa Allen, Ian Dunn, Marina Ahmad and Kevin Brooks with support from other members of the Labour Group.  This Committee was requested to consider what action should be taken in response to the call-in of this decision.


The Chairman outlined the reason for the call-in as follows:-


“The recommendations as approved do not reflect the discussion at the meeting. Recommendation 2 commits the Council to the use of the current library site for housing irrespective of the outcome of the viability study referenced in Recommendation 1.” 


Visiting Ward Member for Clock House, Councillor Ian Dunn considered the recommendations approved by the November Executive did not reflect the discussion at the meeting and the decision was flawed in a number of ways.  He focused on the following specific points:-


1  The complete lack of any evidence or analysis in the paper to support the decision in principle to demolish the library and replace it with housing.


2  The impact on the Elm Road Conservation Area.


In conclusion, Councillor Dunn requested the Committee to refer the report back to the Executive for reconsideration.


A full copy of Councillor Dunn’s representations can be viewed at Annex C to these Minutes.


Visiting Ward Member for Clock House, Councillor Vanessa Allen addressed the Committee on the housing element of the proposals.  The planning application for the Library site, quite apart from the Conservation Area issues, would be objected to on the grounds of mass and height, and would result in a clear lack of any outdoor amenity space for residents, let alone the loss of public open space which was currently enjoyed.


In conclusion, Councillor Allen contended that the proposed development of this site did not conform with Bromley’s Local Plan, and contradicted planning guidelines.


A full copy of Councillor Allen’s representations can be viewed at Annex D to these Minutes.


Visiting Member Councillor Angela Wilkins made the following points in regard to process:-


  Only comments from Copers Cope members were reported – it was worth noting that whilst this ward was the beneficiary of the proposal, Clock House Ward would lose a library.


  The report to the Executive made no reference to the library being in a conservation area.


  Cllr Morgan’s comments, made at the Executive meeting were not included in the report pack currently before Members.  They were extremely important because:


  a)  his comments made clear that this decision/recommendations were conditional; and


  b)  he spoke specifically about the provision of “social housing” on the site.


  Recommendation 3.2 was a very clear commitment to use the library land for housing of any type; it was in no way conditional on the outcome of the feasibility study referred to in 3.1.


  The decision should therefore be re-considered by the Executive.


Councillor King supported visiting Members Councillors Dunn, Allen and Wilkins. 


Given the fact that the Regeneration and Culture division had explored the proposals, it was unclear how the scheme would fit in with the library operator GLL and its contract with the Council.


Various groups made use of the Public Halls despite reference to the building being underutilised.  The removal of community space would have a significant impact on those groups and should, therefore, be retained.


The Quality Impact Assessment did not contain any reference to the loss of public space or the impact this would have on users.


The current library was a valued community hub with the spa, leisure centre and Venue 28 nearby. 


The proposals included no investment.  Proceeding with one element of the scheme was dependent on the sale of the other.  Councillor King sought clarification that the new library would only be built once capital had been released from the sale of the existing site.


Councillor King moved that the decision be referred back to the Executive for the following reasons:-


1)  the decision in principle to demolish the library building went against the policy in the Conservation Area documentation with the assumption that the site would be used for housing;


2)  the Quality Impact Assessment was inadequate and had omitted assessments on various user groups;


3)  there was no justification within the existing papers for the current library site to be used for housing; and


4)  comments made at the Executive meeting had been omitted.


Visiting Ward Member for Copers Cope, Councillor Michael Tickner welcomed the wide public interest generated by the proposals. 


The Council had a good history of protecting, enhancing and modernising the library service.  He confirmed that the use of the existing library site for housing would only proceed if the feasibility study proved it viable to do so.


Councillor Tickner would like to see the library service improved with flexible working practices, longer opening hours and better use of space.  He was not sentimental about the current library building and could see no reason why the proposal to relocate to a more central part of Beckenham should not be explored further.


Councillor Tickner  requested that no further action be taken on the call-in.


The Chairman referred to the Executive Minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2019 (page 53) in which the Leader had confirmed that if the proposals for the Public Halls did not proceed then the library site would not be sold.  Resolution 2 at the bottom of page 53 also stated:- ‘In principle, the existing Beckenham Library site be used for housing – the approach taken to deliver the housing will depend on the outcome of the review being undertaken by Lambert Smith Hampton and any subsequent agreement of a housing delivery vehicle would be subject to a further report’.  The Chairman stated that any further report would be submitted to the RR&H PDS Committee for consideration.


He confirmed that the RR&H PDS Committee would not support redevelopment of the Beckenham Library site if the library itself was not moved.


Reverting to the report currently before Members, the Chairman explained that the only item for consideration on this call-in was the description of Recommendation 2 which, in his opinion, was incredibly clear and on that basis he moved that no further action be taken on the call-in.  Councillor Sharma seconded the motion.


As Design and Heritage Champion, Councillor Bennett had been contacted by the Beckenham Society, Councillor Dunn and the other Ward Members in relation to the Beckenham Library requesting that the building be listed.  He had considered the request very carefully and came to the conclusion that the building had not been listed for the past 80 years and English Heritage did not consider it should be.  Although it was of historic interest it was not a building worthy of being listed.


Councillor Michael understood the public’s concern and confirmed that the library would not be moved to the Public Halls if the viability study found it was not feasible to do so.  She also confirmed that should the library move, the service provided would remain equal if not better.


Should the scheme progress, any planning applications would be considered on their own merits.  In regard to the housing scheme, Councillor Michael would like the proposed units to be of a traditional design and the entire development should respect the Conservation Area.


Councillor Michael supported continued study of the proposals.


RESOLVED that no further action be taken in respect of the Call-in.

Supporting documents: