Decision details


Decision Maker: Children, Education and Families Budget Sub-Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Report ED14046


On 18th March 2014, the Education PDS Committee considered a report outlining developments within the Behaviour Service and Bromley Pupil Referral Unit and the potential for reorganisation of these services as part of the proposed Bromley Alternative Provision Academy.  Following consideration of this report, the Chairman of Education PDS Committee requested that a report detailing the cost implications of any reorganisation of these services be provided to the next meeting of the Education Budget Sub-Committee.


The Sub-Committee considered a report setting out potential cost implications should the functions of the Behaviour Service and Respite Service be integrated into the proposed Bromley Alternative Provision Academy.  All services provided by the Local Authority had elements of costs attributed to them as recharges to fund back-office functions not directly linked to service delivery.  Recharges were allocated against individual service areas according to various drivers which included the number of full-time equivalent staff and office space.  There was currently £133k of recharges attributed to the Behaviour Service and Respite Service, which was funded by the Dedicated Schools Grant.  If these services were to be delivered by another supplier, the Dedicated Schools Grant could no longer be used to contribute to the overheads and support costs of delivering these services in-house, and the recharge would become a new cost pressure on the Council. 


In considering the report, a Member underlined the need to ensure the level of recharges attributed to the Education Service was reasonable and reflected the services provided.




1)  Members comments on the financial position of the proposal and the cost implications of recharges be noted; and,


2)  The Executive be requested to consider how the recharge position should be managed

Report author: David Bradshaw

Publication date: 08/04/2014

Date of decision: 08/04/2014

Decided at meeting: 08/04/2014 - Children, Education and Families Budget Sub-Committee

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