Decision details

Park Buildings Lease Process and Grant Payments

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Environment Portfolio Holder made the following decisions with respect to  the park buildings lease process and grant payments:


1) The Portfolio Holder approved the revised approach to leasing park pavilions and buildings as set out in the report, and specifically the processes set out for vacant pavilions and lease renewals.


2) The Portfolio Holder approved the review and standardisation of the grant agreements provided for leisure activities in parks and open spaces.


3) The Portfolio Holder agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Public Protection in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment, to agree and enter into revised grant agreements as appropriate.


4) The Portfolio Holder agreed to delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Legal Services to execute all relevant legal documentation ancillary thereto.


5) The Portfolio Holder approved the renewal of the grant to the Chislehurst Conservators for a term of five years, as further set out in the report.

Reasons for the decision:

Subsequent to the conclusion of the Operational Property Review, officers reviewed the arrangements in place for the occupation of park pavilions and buildings in the context of the Council’s stated strategic objectives, as set out in the Operational Estate Strategy. As a result, it was recommended that a new approach to leasing parks pavilions and buildings should be adopted in line with the authorities already delegated to officers within the constitution and the adopted strategy. It was recommended that the grants paid to organisations which were connected to the use of buildings and or pitches in parks and open spaces should be reviewed with any grants standardised under a new agreement.

Publication date: 29/01/2024

Date of decision: 29/01/2024

Accompanying Documents: