Decision details


Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




1.  The acceptance of DLUHC LAHF Round 3 funding estimated at up to £27.4m (made up of an indicative allocation of £13.9m and a request for a further £13.5m) for the schemes set out in paragraph 3.5 be approved, noting some schemes will require further reports; and the Assistant Director of Legal Services be authorised to sign and execute all relevant legal documents arising in connection with acceptance of the LAHF.


2.  The addition of Manorfields to the Capital Programme at a value of £5.2m be approved; officers will then proceed to procurement via an officer gateway for a multidisciplinary team to design the major repair and refurbishment of Manorfields into Transitional Accommodation. The funding for the Manorfields scheme will be met by LAHF grant of £4.313k, with the balance of £888k to come from the existing OPR capital programme budget.


3.  The appointment of two Senior Project Managers to support the delivery of the schemes set out for a fixed term of two years be approved. These posts will be financed by the Revenue funding in the grant of £111k supplemented by capitalised funding allocated to the relevant schemes.


4.  An increase in the Council’s capital programme budget of £638k towards the purchase of a four-bed settlement unit be approved. This will be funded through £284k of LAHF grant, with the balance of £354k to be met from capital programme resources. Note that this purchase is required to meet the grant requirements, and none of the grant can be secured without meeting this DLUHC requirement. And subject to this, approve the purchase of this property, delegating any related decisions to the Director of Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation and Housing.

Report author: Alicia Egan

Publication date: 18/04/2024

Date of decision: 18/04/2024

Decided at meeting: 18/04/2024 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: