Decision details

DRAFT 2012/2013 BUDGET

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


That Members comments on the Draft CYP 2012/13 Budget proposals be noted.


That the draft CYP budget savings options proposed by the Executive be noted.


That the update on the financial forecast for 2013/14 to 2015/16 be noted.


That Members’ comments on how the Children and Young People PDS Committee can continue to contribute towards reducing the service pressures to achieve a more sustainable budget position be noted.


That Members’ comments be provided to the meeting of Executive on 1st February 2012, when further consideration will be given to the Draft 2012/13 Budget.


Reasons for the decision:

The Draft 2012/13 Budget for the Children and Young People Portfolio has been developed within the context of a reducing resource base, which includes the need to review the size and shape of the organisation to secure priority outcomes within the resources available, reforming and redesigning services where appropriate.  The need to consider “front loading” savings to ensure difficult decisions are taken early in the budgetary cycle has also been identified, providing investment in specific priorities and supporting invest to save opportunities which provide a more sustainable financial position in the longer term.  It has also been noted that any budget decisions made will need to consider a long term view of how key children and young people services will be funded in the future.


The Executive has requested that each PDS committee consider the draft budget savings and cost pressures for their Portfolio, and that the views of each PDS Committee be reported back to the next meeting of the Executive on 1st February 2012, prior to the Executive making recommendations to Council on 2012/13 Council Tax Levels.

Publication date: 01/02/2012

Date of decision: 01/02/2012

Effective from: 09/02/2012

Accompanying Documents: