Decision details

The Walnuts, Orpington - Proposed Alterations

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Resources, Commissioning and Contracts Management

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


That the grant of a licence be agreed to Garden Property Investments Ltd to allow the alteration of the property to enable the development of a hotel.

Reasons for the decision:

The Council owns the freehold interest in the Walnuts Shopping Centre, which is let to Garden Property Investments Ltd. Garden Property Investments are pursuing the development of a hotel at the Walnuts by converting two floors of Walnuts House and the addition of an extra floor. Any structural changes require the Council’s consent, and some minor changes to the lease are also required. The Council will benefit from its rent share from the additional accommodation, and cannot unreasonably withhold or delay its consent.

Publication date: 26/05/2015

Date of decision: 18/05/2015

Effective from: 27/05/2015

Accompanying Documents: