Decision details

Update on Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Transport, Highways and Road Safety

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Portfolio Holder for Transport, Highways and Road Safety approved:


1) The appointment of Connected Kerb as a supplier of the on street electric vehicle charge points, to be installed in the locations defined in the EV Residential Charging Strategy.


2) The authorisation of officers to begin the process of rolling out an electric vehicle gulley charging project across the Borough as a paid for service, at no cost to the Council.


3) The delegation to the Assistant Director of Legal Services, the authority to sign and execute all legal and ancillary documentation arising in connection thereto.


4) The delegation to the Director of Environment and Public Protection, the authority to make minor changes to the schemes in response to operational requirements.

Reasons for the decision:

The Portfolio Holder for Transport, Highways and Road Safety was provided with an update regarding the EV Charging Strategy. The recommendations authorised by the Portfolio Holder were necessary for the progression of the next stages of the project.  

Publication date: 29/01/2024

Date of decision: 29/01/2024

Accompanying Documents: