Decision details


Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Environment and Community Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The latest 2015/16 budget projection for the Environment Portfolio is endorsed.

Reasons for the decision:

Based on expenditure and activity levels to 31st December 2015, the latest

budget monitoring position for the Environment Portfolio 2015/16

shows an under-spend of £172k, with the controllable budget projected to be

under-spent by £139k at year-end.


Report FSD15021 provides details of the projected outturn with a forecast of projected spend against each relevant service area compared to the

latest approved budget. Background to variations is also outlined.

Publication date: 26/04/2016

Date of decision: 26/04/2016

Effective from: 05/05/2016

Accompanying Documents: