Decision details


Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation and Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That it be agreed to proceed to tender for an operator to manage the tennis court sites at Church House Gardens, Coney Hall Recreation Ground, Goddington Park and Poverest Park.  The contract will be a concession contract with an estimated turnover value of £23,236 per annum for a 5-year contract with the option to extend for 5 years (estimated whole life value of £232,360) and will be cost neutral to the Council. 


That a minor works contract be procured from the Lawn Tennis Association’s framework contract for the capital build improvement works at an expected value of £230k to be funded by the Lawn Tennis Association as previously approved.

Reasons for the decision:

In November 2022, the Council’s Executive approved acceptance of a grant of £230,580 from the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) to fund the renovation of ten tennis courts across the borough at Church House Gardens, Coney Hall Recreation Ground, Goddington Park and Poverest Park.  In accepting the grant, the Local Authority is required to adhere to the following conditions which will be dealt with as part of the tender for an operator:


·  The works must be delivered through the LTA’s procurement framework;

·  Online booking must be offered;

·  The LTA’s established operating model must be followed with some free access available for those who cannot afford the low-cost model;

·  There must be a recreational competitive offer; and,

·  There must be a sustainability plan in place.

Publication date: 16/06/2023

Date of decision: 16/06/2023

Accompanying Documents: