Issue - meetings

DRAFT 2012/2013 BUDGET

Meeting: 24/01/2012 - Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 62)

62 DRAFT 2012/13 BUDGET pdf icon PDF 425 KB


Report DCYP12012


The Committee considered the Portfolio Holder’s draft 2012/13 budget which incorporated future cost pressures and a range of additional saving options reported to Executive on 11th January 2012 together with a detailed section regarding the Chief Officers’ comments on the funding and proposed options as context for CYP Services. Members were requested to consider the savings proposed and also identify any further action to be taken to reduce the cost pressures facing the Council over the next four years. 


The Chairman highlighted that the Budget Strategy had to be set within the context of a reducing resource base and that there was a need to secure priority outcomes within the resources available.  There was also a need to consider “front loading” savings to ensure difficult decisions were taken early in the budgetary cycle, providing some investment in specific priorities and supporting invest to save opportunities which would deliver a more sustainable financial position in the longer term.  Any budget decisions would need to consider the finalisation of the 2012/13 budget but also take a longer term view which would ultimately help to protect key services into the future. 


Members of the Committee considered the draft 2012/13 budget.  A Member highlighted the proposals regarding a reduction in both the Bromley Youth Music Trust contract and the Bromley Youth Music Grant.  A Co-opted Member was concerned that a reduction in funding for the Bromley Youth Music Trust would have a disproportionate impact on children and young people with special needs.  The Director CYP confirmed that Bromley Youth Music Trust was commissioned through the Local Authority contract to work with children and young people of all abilities and needs: this included support for children in mainstream school with SEN units and special schools. The Director explained that following a national review of music education provision, the National Plan for Music Education had been published by the Government on 25th November 2011.  From 1st April 2012, music education would be provided through new music education hubs, which would deliver music education through a hub and spoke partnership model, to ensure that every child had a high quality music education.  It was intended to nominate the Bromley Youth Music Trust as the lead organisation for the proposed Music Education Hub in Bromley, and Officers had formed a Bromley Music Education Partnership Group to provide the broad range of expertise and resource necessary to support the development of a submission to the Department for Education and the Arts Council for England by the deadline of 17th February 2012.  Bromley would need to demonstrate that all children would have access to music education to be successful in their bid.  Another Member queried what action Bromley Youth Music Trust was taking to become more self-funding.  The Director CYP confirmed that Officers had been working with the Bromley Youth Music Trust Board over the past year to develop potential sold services and ensure Bromley Youth Music Trust fees were set at a competitive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62