Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/11/2011 - Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 48)



Report DCYP11130


The Portfolio Holder introduced a report, submitted by the Director of Children and Young People Services, which provided an overview of the CYP Department’s service provision, staffing numbers, organisational structure, funding arrangements and performance as at Autumn 2011.


The Director CYP provided an over of the report and outlined the current challenges facing the Department including:


-  An increase in service volumes;

-  A reduction in the overall cost of the service; and

-  Increases in birth rates and survival rates of children with special educational needs and the pressures associated with this.


The Director CYP emphasised that the Department was facing and overcoming these challenges whilst sustaining high levels of performance as outlined in Table A of Appendix 3 of the report.


The Chairman emphasised the high proportion of statutory functions that were undertaken by the Department as well as the success of the Department in improving services that had been assessed as failing in the past. 


The Chairman also highlighted an error in Appendix 1 of the report: the figures quoted for full time equivalent staff under the heading of Assistant Director (Strategic Commissioning and Performance) should have read Strategic Commissioning and Business support Manager (14.2 FTE), Performance, Research and Systems Manager (6 FTE).


In response to a question from the Chairman about the number of young carers in the Borough, the Director CYP reported that in 2011/2012 the Department had received 724 young carer referrals.


Another Member highlighted the need to recognise the excellent work that was undertaken by staff across the Department and the impact that the reductions in resources were having on the general welfare of staff across the Department.


In response to a question regarding the increase in nursery places being offered to two year olds, the Director CYP highlighted that the provision of nursery places was a statutory obligation and that Bromley had successfully delivered nursery provision through a range of settings.  The Department would have to continue to work with providers to commission places.


A Co-opted Member noted that at Early Years Foundation Stage, the percentage gap between lowest achieving 20% in the Foundation Stage Profile was closing and emphasised the need to monitor the interventions put in place for the youngest children in the Borough.


Referring to page 37 of the report, the Portfolio Holder highlighted that Bromley Youth Music Trust provided music tuition and opportunity to perform to 8500 young people, and not 4000 as stated in the report.


In conclusion, the Portfolio Holder highlighted the many achievements of the Department as well as its success in improving services such as the Youth Offending Team and Youth Services.  The improvements had been made in the context of diminishing resources and the Portfolio Holder and Executive Assistants extended their thanks and congratulations to the Director CYP and all the staff within the Department.  This was endorsed by the Committee.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to endorse the position of the CYP Department as outlined in the report.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48