Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/02/2012 - Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 79)



Report ES12010


The Portfolio Holder introduced a report outlining the School Travel Programme, which worked to tackle congestion near schools and reduce journey times for all road users.  The School Travel Programme linked closely with road safety education, cycle training and safety around schools, working in conjunction with other initiatives to promote cycling, walking and public transport.  The Manager: Casualty Reduction highlighted that the data around school travel was recorded via pupil and staff surveys conducted in class.  Although ‘hands up’ surveys were the recommended collection methodology, Bromley had concerns about the accuracy of these surveys, however following a study of different collection methods at selected sites across London, it had been concluded that other data collection methods were no more accurate but were significantly more costly.


A Co-opted Member was concerned at the impact the withdrawal of funding for school crossing patrols would have on journeys to school.  The Manager: Casualty Reduction noted that following discussion by Members at the meeting of Environment PDS Committee on 18th January 2012, a decision had been taken by the Environment Portfolio Holder to make a £2k subsidy available to schools from the Local Transport Priorities LIP budget to support the retention of School Crossing Patrols.  Engineering measures were also being introduced near schools were appropriate.  A Member queried how many walking buses were currently in operation in the Borough.  The Manager: Casualty Reduction confirmed that 13 schools currently had a walking bus and one was currently being developed. 


A Member highlighted a number of contributing factors to the reduction in single passenger car journeys, which included smaller school catchment areas and the impact of the economic downturn.  In response to a question, the Manager: Casualty Reduction confirmed that school travel plans were one part of a wider strategy to reduce congestion.  Academies and private schools were also supported in school travel planning as this similarly contributed to a reduction in congestion.


Three of the four special schools in the Borough currently had school travel plans and a Co-opted Member underlined the need to consider how these could work with Special Educational Needs Transport.  A Member also noted the pressures sixth form students with cars placed on congestion at peak times and in parking.  The Manager: Casualty Reduction confirmed that sixth form travel was included as part of a school travel plan.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to note the School Travel Programme.