Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/01/2012 - Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 63)


The briefing comprises:


  • Impact of Changing Admissions Arrangements on Early Years Providers and Reception Classes
  • Foster Carers Recruitment Strategy


Members and Co-opted Members have been provided with advance copies of the briefing via e-mail.  The briefing is also available on the Council’s Website at the following link:


Printed copies of the briefing are available upon request by contacting Kerry Nicholls on 020 8313 4602 or by e-mail at



The Portfolio Holder Briefing comprised two reports:


  • Impact of Changing Admissions Arrangements on Early Years Providers and Reception Classes
  • Foster Carers Recruitment Strategy


With regard to the report outlining the impact of changing admissions arrangements on early years providers and reception classes, a Co-opted Member highlighted that some parents were not aware they had a choice of when their child would start school, which had resulted in a high proportion of parents choosing a September start date for their child.  In addition, the move to a new nursery education funding payment process in April 2010 had caused delays in payments.  The Director CYP acknowledged the difficulties faced by early years providers given the changes introduced to enable parents to exert their choice and preference over a September admission to Reception. The Early Years Partnership would continue to work with providers to monitor the impact of changing admissions arrangements and further consideration would be given to the funding methodology if appropriate.


In considering the Foster Carers Recruitment Strategy, the Committee noted work being undertaken to attract foster carers, which included consideration of issues identified around housing and adaptations and whether this presented a barrier to foster carers for disabled children.  A Member noted that initial enquiries from people who wished to find out more about fostering had been directed to the Customer Contact Centre, allowing the Children and Young People Department to focus on progressing those applications that met the required criteria.


With regard to the provision of static equipment, such as hoists and lifts, and adaptation to property for those carers who provide short break services, a Co-opted Member was concerned that as this equipment had been provided in the child’s normal residence, the health authority (who was responsible for the provision of such equipment) had discharged their duty.  Such equipment was often expensive to purchase, install and maintain, and the Co-opted Member was concerned that children and families who accessed short break services and those carers who provided it were not disadvantaged.  The Director CYP confirmed that the issues raised would be pursued through the Health and Wellbeing Board.  Another Member underlined that the Health Authority should only discharge their duty when a child has been provided with the care to which they are entitled.


Meeting: 29/11/2011 - Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 49)


The briefing comprises:


  • Annual Performance Assessment


Members and Co-opted Members have been provided with advance copies of the briefing via e-mail.  The briefing is also available on the Council’s Website at the following link:


Printed copies of the briefing are available upon request by contacting Kerry Nicholls on 020 8313 4602 or by e-mail at




The Portfolio Holder congratulated staff on the excellent result of the recent Ofsted inspection which had found the service to be good with outstanding features.