Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/03/2012 - Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 95)

95 CYP BUDGET MONITORING REPORT 2011/2012 pdf icon PDF 386 KB


Report DCYP12047


The Portfolio Holder introduced a report setting out the budget monitoring position based on spending to the end of January 2012.  The Schools’ Budget funded from the Dedicated Schools’ Grant and specific grants, was forecast to spend in line with budget.  The controllable part of the Non-Schools’ Budget, funded from Council Tax, Revenue Support and specific grants was forecast to underspend by £298,000. 


The Chairman raised concerns that 3 schools still not have a deficit recovery plan in place and requested they be named.  The Director explained that it would not be prudent to name them in Part One of the meeting.  In addition she had been in negotiations with the Governing Bodies of the relevant schools and 2 of the 3 were in a position where the production of their recovery plan was imminent.


The Committee was pleased to note the underspend and also that steps were being taken to control the Special Educational Needs budget.


The Chairman requested a brief report on how the £75k National Pathfinder Grant for 2011/12 had been spent.  This would be included in the next budget monitoring report. 


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:


1)  Note the success of the action taken to offset the previously reported overspending in Social Care and Children With Disabilities placements;


2)  Note contracts of £50,000 and above that have been exempted from the normal requirement to obtain competitive quotes; and


3)  Recommend the Executive to agree that £75,000 Pathfinder Grant be added to the 2011/12 CYP budget.

Meeting: 24/01/2012 - Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 62)



Report DCYP12004


The Portfolio Holder introduced a report setting out the budget monitoring position based on spending to the end of November 2011.  The Schools’ Budget, funded from the Dedicated Schools’ Grant and specific grants, was forecast to spend in line with budget.  The Non-Schools’ Budget, funded from Council Tax, Revenue Support and specific grants was forecast to overspend by £138,000. members noted the service and budget pressures arising from the continuing increase in volumes of children with SEN and disabilities and those within the social care framework, the complexity of their needs and the associated costs of placements.


The Portfolio Holder commended Officers for significantly reducing the projected net overspend on the non-schools budget through robust management action and flexible use of funding. These comments were endorsed by the Chairman of the Committee.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:


1)  Note the projections and budget pressures, and endorse the action to reduce the overspending; and


2)  Note contracts of £50,000 and above that have been exempted from the normal requirement to obtain competitive quotes.