Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/03/2012 - Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 95)



Report DCYP12041


The Portfolio Holder introduced a report outlining the standards of attainment in Bromley schools during the academic year September 2010 to July 2011.  The report drew from the results of teacher assessment undertaken at the end of the reception year and Key Stage 1, National Curriculum tests conducted at the end of Key Stage 2 and GCSE and GCE A Level examinations.  The report also provided a summary of the outcomes of Ofsted inspections of Bromley schools since January 2011, and included the annual report of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education.


The Committee had particular concerns about the levels of attainment for Early Years and KS1.  Performance against the National Indicator 72 showed a 4% point improvement on 2010 compared with a 3% improvement nationally.  However, the overall outcomes of the Early Years Foundation Stage for Bromley were 1% below the National Average. Dispositions and Attitudes had declined by 1%, Reading by 2% and Numbers by 3%.  The gap between those who were eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and Non FSM was 24%, an increase of 2% from 2010. The gap nationally was 20%.  Support for Early Years Foundation Stage had been acknowledged as a priority for 2012/2013

It was noted that across Key Stage 1 teacher assessments, Bromley’s performance remained above the national average.  At Level 2+ for Reading there was an increase of 2% point on the 2010 results, compared with a 3% decrease nationally.  Writing remained the same both at Local Authority level and nationally for three consecutive years and Bromley was 2% above the national average.  Mathematics increased by 1% as did the national average and Bromley remains 1% ahead of the national average.  At Level 3+ there was a 2% increase in reading whilst writing remained the same. Nationally there was no change. In mathematics there was a 2% increase.  Bromley’s figures were above the national figures by between 1 and 2% points. 

At Level 2+ in Reading the gap between those on FSM compared with Non FSM was 16%, an increase of 1%.  Nationally the gap was 15%. In writing the gap was 21% compared with 18% nationally, which represents a 1% increase from 2010. In maths the gap was 13% compared with 9% in 2010. The gap nationally was 11%.

RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:


1)  Note the annual report on the standards of attainment and quality of provision in Bromley schools; and


2)  Approve the priorities for the Local Authority’s school improvement strategy for the next academic year 2012-2013.