Issue - meetings


Meeting: 18/01/2012 - Improvement and Efficiency Sub-Committee (Item 30)



Report CEO1189


The Sub Committee received a report updating Members on the progress of the Organisational Improvement Programme.


With regard to customer service improvement, Councillor Nicholas Bennett JP highlighted a number of recommendations made by the New Technology Working Group, which included generating savings through the rollout of tablet PCs to all Members, installing a wireless internet connection in the Civic Centre committee rooms and Council Chamber and undertaking improvements to the Council Chamber to enable it to be marketed as a conference venue.  The Director of Resources noted that a wireless internet connection had been installed in North Block during the refurbishment process and that the opportunity to expand these works to include the committee rooms and Council Chamber was currently being explored.  The costs of introducing presentation equipment to the Council Chamber and committee rooms could also be reviewed. Councillor Ellis underlined the need to provide improved access for people with disabilities as part of any improvements made to the Council Chamber.


Following the success of the shared services conference in October 2011, a further conference was proposed to be held in Spring 2012 to ensure that projects in the shared services workstream were progressing.  The libraries shared service went live on 1st January 2012, and back office and managerial savings were in the process of being realised.  There was potential for further savings through a Libraries’ trust (Bexley and Bromley) and this was currently being explored.  The Legal Team now provided a property lawyer to Bexley for 2 days per week which generated salary cost savings and was working well.  The Chairman requested an update be provided on shared services at the next meeting of the Improvement and Efficiency Sub-Committee.


In considering organisational design, Members noted that services for adult social care, children social care, education and commissioning would be brought together in the new Education and Care Services Department.  Councillor Nicholas Bennett JP highlighted the potential to generate transport cost savings by bringing together transport services for adults and children.  There was also an opportunity to utilise the commissioning model used for adult social care for all social care functions across the Council, allowing increased use of e-procurement and joint commissioning with key partners such as Health and other local authorities.


The workstream on civic centre accommodation was progressing, with the refurbishment of North Block now reaching the space planning stage for the new accommodation.  All Directors had signed up to a 0.7 desktop provision per full time employee (FTE), and the possibility of moving towards 0.5 desktop provision per FTE was being considered.  The Assistant Director: Organisational Improvement noted that smaller workspaces would be provided to employees, but that existing furniture would be reused where appropriate.  In discussion, Members highlighted the importance of considering how documents should be stored in the future.


RESOLVED that the progress made to date on projects led by the Organisational Improvement Team and the new work projects that members of the team were currently supporting be noted.

Meeting: 26/10/2011 - Improvement and Efficiency Sub-Committee (Item 16)



Report CEO1185


The Sub-Committee received a report updating Members on progress made on the projects within the Organisational Improvement Programme. 


RESOLVED that the progress made to date on projects led by the Organisational Improvement Programme team be noted.