Issue - meetings

Bromley SACRE Self-Evaluation

Meeting: 30/05/2012 - Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (Item 38)



Report No. ED12004


Self-evaluation of the work of SACRE was carried out on an annual basis. The results were linked to the development plan so that the work of SACRE could be as effective as possible. The SACRE self-evaluation tool had been circulated to Members and it was noted that the Chairman had asked the RE Adviser to look at the progress which had been made towards being an advanced SACRE.


The RE Adviser reported that the sections on the Agreed Syllabus would be addressed during the year.

It was very difficult for SACRE to monitor what happened in schools, particularly in regard to Collective Worship; however the school visits made by SACRE Members address this to some extent. The continuation of the Primary network meetings also ensured that some monitoring information was available. The Chairman commented that if Members were linked to schools through Governor involvement, this might be a way to find out what was taking place with RE in their schools and to feed information back to SACRE. Councillor Mrs Manning remarked that there were a lot of school governors who were appointed by the Local Authority who might be able to help in this regard.

The RE Adviser further commented that there was still not enough of a link between SACRE and the initiatives undertaken by the Local Authority. The Chairman added that SACRE was a Committee which could be of use to the Council.

RESOLVED that the documentation and comments on self-evaluation be noted.