Issue - meetings

Bromley Youth Music Trust: Contract Review

Meeting: 12/06/2012 - Children, Education and Families Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Bromley Youth Music Trust: Contract Review pdf icon PDF 250 KB


Report ED12009


The Portfolio Holder presented a report setting out the performance of the Bromley Youth Music Trust and introduced Mr Michael Purton, Principal of Bromley Youth Music Trust.  Mr Purton outlined the work of the Bromley Youth Music Trust which delivered the Local Authority’s Music service, providing instrumental and vocal tuition through both schools and central activities at the Bromley Youth Music Centre.  He also gave details of the funding strategy developed by Bromley Youth Music Trust to mitigate against the impact of changes in the level of council funding, and the work undertaken by the Trust as the lead partner in the Bromley Music Education Hub, which had successfully secured government funding for music education until 2015.


A Member queried the impact of the new funding arrangements on Bromley Youth Music Trust.  Mr Purton confirmed that the sum allocated to Bromley by the Government included an additional allocation of £60,000, which would help offset a reduction in Local Authority funding of £100,000 over the next three years.  Government funding would then reduce to previous levels.  A wide range of income generation activities were being undertaken to offset any shortfall in funds.  This included the establishment of a fundraising committee in 2008 which had undertaken a number of activities, raising over £32,000 through the Bromley Youth Music Trust Network and £12,000 through donations.


In response to a query around whether the proposed increase to music lesson fees would reduce the number of children taking lessons through Bromley Youth Music Trust teachers and increase those receiving private tuition, Mr Purton confirmed that the proposed fee levels were still below those charged by the London Boroughs of Croydon and Bexley and Kent County Council, and that the cost of private tuition varied widely depending on the qualifications of the teacher.  The Chairman asked whether Bromley Youth Music Trust was working with independent schools in the Borough.  Mr Purton confirmed that work was undertaken with a range of schools in the Borough, and that children of all schools were welcome to join group music activities as appropriate.  Bromley Youth Music Trust also worked with hard to reach groups of children and young people, and a very successful holiday course had recently been offered to Looked After Children, giving them the opportunity to learn to play the ukulele.


A Co-opted Member asked how the Bromley Youth Music Trust engaged with children and young people with special educational needs.  Mr Purton confirmed that representatives of special schools in the Borough were included in the membership of the Music Education Partnership Group, and a full audit of all music education services in the Borough was currently underway which would include the identification of those services provided to special schools, special units and to children and young people with special educational needs in mainstream schools.  The Co-opted Member emphasised the importance of supporting children and young people with special educational needs to engage with music services.


A Member queried the progress that had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8