Issue - meetings

CYP Portfolio Plan 2011/12: Review of Progress and 2012/13 Draft for Comments

Meeting: 12/06/2012 - Children, Education and Families Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 CYP Portfolio Plan 2011/12: Review of Progress and 2012/13 Draft for Comments pdf icon PDF 114 KB

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Report ED12007


The Portfolio Holder introduced a report outlining the draft portfolio priorities for 2012/13 and the timescales for finalising the portfolio plans within the Education and Care Services Department.  Members also considered performance against the education priorities within the 2011/12 Portfolio Plan for Children and Young People.


The Portfolio Holder addressed the Committee with a summary of his priorities for the year.  These included:


  • Reducing the gap between the lowest and highest attaining groups in early years foundation stage and primary education;
  • Increasing the education provision for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs in the Borough.
  • The implications of the increasing numbers of academy schools in Bromley; and,
  • The increased need for school places in the Borough.


The Executive Support Assistant to the Portfolio Holder for Education addressed the Committee with a summary of her priorities for the year.  She had been appointed Children’s Champion for the Borough and would work to promote a number of issues including:


  • The respite care offer available to children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs and their families;
  • Research to identify if there was any issue with poor literacy skills amongst school leavers in the Borough;
  • Attainment of Looked After Children;
  • Fostering and adoption;
  • Early intervention with children and their families; and,
  • Progress against the Bromley Pledge and the Education Pledge.


Members of the PDS Committee considered the draft portfolio priorities for 2012/13.  A Member highlighted the challenge set by the new Ofsted Framework.  The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the new Ofsted framework placed an emphasis on the quality of leadership and management in schools, and that the Local Authority would be working at a strategic level to ensure Bromley schools had the right support to deliver continuous improvement.  The Interim Assistant Director (Education) also noted that a number of schools in the Borough had been established as teaching schools in collaboration with the National College and would provide peer support to other schools.  A Co-opted Member underlined the issue of attendance, particularly in primary schools, and noted that there was a need to target the small number of families who appeared to not prioritise school attendance.


A Member queried the need to improve educational attainment against the national curriculum in the Borough.  The Portfolio Holder confirmed that whilst Bromley had higher attainment against the national curriculum than the national average, it was important to ensure it was attaining at a similar level to statistical neighbours.  Another Member noted the increased demand for primary school places in the Borough.  The Deputy Assistant Director (Education) confirmed that there had been a significant increase in demand for primary school places, and that this increase was likely to be sustained for the remainder of the decade.  Some primary schools in the Borough had already been permanently expanded, however a wide range of options would be considered to meet the increased demand for places which was also likely to impact the secondary education sector.


With regard to the aim to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8