Issue - meetings

Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy Provision for Children with Statements of Educational Need Accessing Bromley Specialist Education Provisions

Meeting: 12/06/2012 - Children, Education and Families Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy Provision for Children with Statements of Educational Need Accessing Bromley Specialist Education Provisions pdf icon PDF 80 KB


Report ED12008


The Portfolio Holder introduced a report which noted that the main contract for speech and language provision within the Borough was held by the Primary Care Trust and delivered by Bromley Healthcare CIC with an annual value of £1.2m and was not due to expire until 2016.  The Local Authority also held two contracts with Bromley Healthcare for the provision of additional speech and language support within special schools, special units and mainstream school settings with a combined annual value of £310k which were due to expire on 31 July 2012.  The report sought authorisation to combine the two contracts with Bromley Healthcare CIC into a single contract and extend this contract for a further twelve months until 31 July 2013 to allow time for the Local Authority and the Primary Care Trust to work together to explore pooled funding arrangements for speech and language provision, and to develop a detailed commissioning strategy to update the current specification for the service.


In considering the report, Councillor Brian Humphrys noted that the proposed extended contract would expire on 31 July 2013 and asked that a study be undertaken prior to the re-tendering of the contract to investigate the use of Occupational and Speech and Language Therapists within special schools, special units and mainstream school settings, and to compare this provision with that of Independent schools to ensure provision was delivered in the most effective way.  Councillor Brian Humphrys underlined that more use should be made of Occupational and Speech and Language Therapists in special schools, special units and mainstream school settings, and that early intervention would benefit the long term prospects of Bromley pupils.  A Co-opted Member agreed that early intervention was key to reducing longer term issues and noted that speech and language provision for children under 5 years had been cut significantly over recent years.  Councillor Brian Humphrys suggested that the Health and Wellbeing Fund be utilised to fund additional Speech and Language therapists.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to approve a proposed twelve month extension for the combined contract with Bromley Healthcare CIC.