Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/06/2012 - Development Control Committee (Item 7)


Seek endorsement of the options recommended by LDFAP


In May 2012, the Local Development Plan Advisory Panel (LDPAP) agreed that work undertaken in preparation of the Core Strategy be incorporated into a Bromley Local Plan to comply with the Government’s Planning Reforms.  The report outlined the preferred strategy and options in relation to Gypsies and Travellers, which would form the major part of the Living in Bromley section of the Local Plan.  Members were requested to agree the policy approach set out in the report for incorporation into the Local Plan Options and Preferred Strategy Consultation document.  The Executive would be requested to agree the document for consultation in early autumn.


Referring to paragraph 3.19 (page 55), Councillor Mellor sought clarification on what liability was placed on the Council to provide a pitch to people living outside the Borough.  In response, the Chief Planner informed Members there was no liability on the Council and that anyone could ask for a pitch in Bromley however, they would need to pass a test in order to obtain one.


Councillor Scoates referred to Option 2: Existing sites without permanent permissions (page 59) and stated that it was not acceptable to grant further temporary permission for the site in Layhams Road and that the site should not be expanded.  The Chief Planner reported that if families were established and their children were settled in school, it would be difficult to refuse further temporary permission.  He also stipulated that age, disability and education were crucial factors in traveller appeals.  The only other alternative would be to find a number of sites elsewhere in the Borough. Councillor Scoates was disappointed with the current policies which stipulated that the Council was required to grant plots to meet a specified quota and by doing so, land had been eroded.


Councillor Ince stated that further alterations to Green Belt land should be resisted; however, the Council were under challenge to create more spaces and were expanding anyway.


Councillor Fawthrop was concerned with the large number of articulated lorries at the Travelling Showman site and suggested that some action be initiated to revert the site to farmland.  The Chief Planner confirmed that he was satisfied that all residents were part of the Travelling Showpeople's Guild.  No further provision was planned for the site which had been granted permanent permission.


Councillor Buttinger refused to support any option which involved building on Green Belt land.  In response, the Chief Planner emphasised the need to take account of expanding families.  He stipulated that the preferred option suggested that, having established what the borough's target for provision should be, the Council would then have a policy to deal with sporadic visitors to the area.


It was suggested that the Chairman should write to local MPs to request that the issues raised by Members be considered in Parliament and nationally.  A letter should also be written to the Secretary of State to reinforce the Council's views.


Subject to the comments and suggestions outlined above, Members RESOLVED that:-


1)  the options set out in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7