Issue - meetings


Meeting: 31/07/2012 - Children, Education and Families Budget Sub-Committee (Item 6)


Additional documents:


Report ED12016


The Sub-Committee considered a report setting out the budget monitoring position for the Education Portfolio based on expenditure to the end of May 2012.  The Schools’ Budget, funded from the Dedicated Schools’ Grant and specific grants, was forecast to spend in line with budget.  The Non-Schools’ Budget, funded from Council Tax, Revenue Support and specific grants was also forecast to spend in line with budget.


In considering the budget monitoring position, the Chairman queried what level of Dedicated Schools Grant was held in contingency by the Local Authority and whether this had been impacted by the move of a number of schools in the Borough to academy status.  The Head of Education and Care Services Finance confirmed that approximately £1m was currently held in contingency.  The Local Authority was responsible for distributing the Dedicated Schools Grant to Borough schools.  This was allocated through a formula agreed in partnership with the Schools’ Forum, and was decided on a number of factors including pupil numbers.  The formula allowed a proportion of the Dedicated Schools Grant to be held centrally, which currently represented approximately £40m of £220m. 


In response to a query from a Member around retaining more of the Dedicated Schools Grant, the Head of Education and Care Services Finance confirmed that funding was able to be allocated how the Council wished but that the Schools Forum would have to be in agreement with any funding changes if there was a disproportionate shift of funding away from schools to centrally retained funding.  Funding for academy schools was also allocated via the formula, however this was top-sliced from the Dedicated Schools Grant by the Department for Education and provided to schools directly.


With regard to the future distribution of the Dedicated Schools Grant, the Head of Education and Care Services confirmed that the formula would be limited to around six determining factors from 2013/14, with pupil numbers remaining the biggest factor. 


Members requested that a report on the new DSG formula arrangements be provided to the next meeting of the Education Budget Sub-Committee.  Councillor Nicholas Bennett JP also requested that the Sub-Committee be provided with details of the total controllable budget for the Education Portfolio.




1)  The latest 2012/13 budget projection for the Education Portfolio be noted; and,


2)  The Education Portfolio Budget Monitoring Report 2012/13 be recommended to the Portfolio Holder for approval.