Issue - meetings

Development Plan Update

Meeting: 07/11/2012 - Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (Item 6)

6 Development Plan Update pdf icon PDF 109 KB


The Chairman and RE Adviser met with the Head of Commissioning and Business Services in January 2012 and agreed a costed development plan which was presented to SACRE at their Spring meeting. The development plan was for four terms in order to move it in line with the Council’s financial year.

SACRE Members considered a report prepared by the RE Adviser which updated them on the progress of the development plan. Following discussion the following points and amendments were made:

Item 2: Make a Faith Directory for Schools.  “….a few speakers who have volunteered and been checked “should read “a few appropriate speakers who have volunteered and been trained.” It was agreed that the RE Adviser should try and arrange another training event for volunteers from faith groups who had offered to talk in schools. (Unfortunately it had been necessary to postpone the training event which had previously been organised, as little interest had been shown.) The training event would be held in the evening and as much notice as possible would be given of the date. The RE Adviser would contact the SACRE clerk to make the necessary arrangements. (Action PSO and CR).  It was important that the training session should be evaluated and participants would be asked to complete an evaluation form.

Item 12: “Moral, Social and Cultural” should read “Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural”

Item 13:  Ensure schools are aware of the statutory nature of RE – this should be reworded to read all schools


(i)  the updating report and amendments be noted;

(ii)  the RE Adviser to organise a training session for the Faith Directory volunteers.

(Mr Hagley left the meeting after consideration of this item.)