Issue - meetings

Agreed Syllabus Update

Meeting: 07/11/2012 - Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (Item 7)

7 Agreed Syllabus Update pdf icon PDF 61 KB


Agreed Syllabuses have to be reviewed by SACRE every 5 years and are usually revised and updated every 10 years. The current Bromley Syllabus was written in 2006 and was due for review. The current scheme of work for schools was written in 1995 and updated in 2004. As a result of discussion regarding the current documentation of the Bromley Agreed Syllabus, it was decided to revise the syllabus and rewrite the scheme of work to bring them in line with current thinking on RE teaching.

The RE Adviser submitted a report which outlined the progress to date. Copies of completed draft units which had been prepared were circulated at the meeting. These related to Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam Judaism and Sikhism. Following discussion it was agreed that more time should be allowed for individual faith representatives on SACRE to consider and comment on the units. The RE Adviser agreed to email the relevant units to the SACRE members concerned for their consideration. The Chairman suggested that in addition to detailed faith comments, feedback should be given on a general impression/overview.

A grid of the proposed timetable for teaching the units, divided by term and into year groups was also circulated. Virginia Corbyn commented that it needed to be clear which were statutory and non-statutory units. Some concern was expressed at the meeting that not enough time was being allocated to the teaching of Christianity. Fiona Hawkes remarked that the Unit on “Should we care for our world” would also cover Christianity. Christmas and Easter were also included in the timetable. Councillor Norrie considered that the proposed timetable was too heavily biased against the Christian religion. The RE Adviser commented that in Bromley more and more children were not of the Christian faith or had no faith. The current syllabus did not reflect this and was out of date. The Chairman said he understood Councillor Norrie’s concerns but the teachers involved had endorsed the suggested units and timetable. Mr Mahmood considered that a good positive start had been made but agreed that SACRE Members needed to look at the units for their individual faith groups. The RE Adviser emphasised that the units which had been prepared were not final and were still in draft form.

In order to progress the matter it was suggested and agreed by SACRE Members that the Agreed Syllabus Update should be given priority discussion at their next meeting which should start at the earlier time of 6pm. The revised materials should be made available in advance of the meeting. It was noted that the new Agreed Syllabus would need to be ready before the end of the summer term 2013 for implementation in September 2013.


RESOLVED that individual faith groups on SACRE should be sent copies of the appropriate draft units of work for comments and the RE Adviser should continue working on the Agreed Syllabus update.

(Councillor Lymer and Councillor Manning left the meeting during consideration of this item and Mr Gupta left the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7