Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring 2012/13

Meeting: 16/01/2013 - Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 61)

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Report CS12065


Members considered the budget monitoring position for 2012/13 based on activity up to the end of November 2012.

Forecasts based on the latest activity available showed an overspend of £591,000 on Bed & Breakfast accommodation for 2012/13 after the use of grant funding that was carried forward from 2011/12 of £453,000 and other minor under spends. The projected full year cost pressures were £1,157,000. A sum of £1m had been included in the four year financial forecast for 2013/14.  The number of B&B placements was currently fairly stable averaging at around 325 for the last few months although without the “invest to save” initiatives the numbers would have been 475.

The Chairman sought clarification under direct payments (e) as it appeared there was an over spend. Officers explained this was not the case.  There were void properties in the Extra Care Housing Schemes as a result of moving people in gradually rather than move everyone at the same time.

In relation to “no recourse to Public Funds”, the committee noted that there could be delays of up to 5 years in assessing the application. In that time the authority had responsibility for the children of those claimants. They wanted more lobbying of the. The Director confirmed that Bromley were regularly in contact with the Border Agency.  Members felt that political lobbying may help to speed up the process.

In regard to Children’s social care placements members asked for the figures on the numbers of children placed in residential placements as an outcome from a tribunal.  Officers would provide this information outside the meeting.



1.  that a projected under spend of 2,474k is forecast, based on information as at November 2012 is noted;

2.  the Portfolio Holder is requested to approve the report.