Issue - meetings

Options and Preferred Strategy Consultation Draft Local Plan

Meeting: 29/01/2013 - Development Control Committee (Item 34)

34 Options and Preferred Strategy Consultation Draft Local Plan pdf icon PDF 196 KB

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Consideration was given to the consultative Options and Preferred Strategy document which formed a key stage in the preparation of Bromley’s Local Plan.  Member comments would be reported to a meeting of the Executive on 6 February 2013 at which time the document would be considered for approval for public consultation.


Members scrutinized the document and conveyed the following comments with suggested amendments (in italics):-


Homes (page 22, first two lines) - Amend to read: '…density of development, spatial standards, parking requirements and improving the choice of accommodation available.'


Homes (page 22, second objective) - Include reference to domestic housing extensions as these formed a vital element of planning within the Borough. 


Business, employment and the local economy (page 22) - This section should include reference to the use of digital communication and highlight the importance of the digital economy for the future of the Borough.


Built Heritage (page 23) - Reference should be made to the continual monitoring of built heritage.


Transport (page 24) - Include reference to the development of car parks around train stations in the Borough.  The Head of Planning Strategy and Projects agreed to report back to Members following discussions on this point with Highways Division and the Environmental Health Officer.


Transport (page 24) - The development of dedicated cycle routes/lanes should be incorporated into the objectives.


Location (page 31, paragraph 4) - Include reference to protect Metropolitan Open Land.


As a general point, it was noted that the document contained the words ‘Development Management’ throughout.  Members requested that these be replaced with the words 'Development Control’ as agreed at a meeting of the Local Development Framework Advisory Panel held in December 2012.


Option 6 (page 32, paragraph 2, line 7) - A request to delete reference to 'back gardens’ was rejected as this line quoted London Plan Policies.  The proposed Bromley approach included the importance of all residential gardens.


Option 9 (page 33) - Amend to read:- 'The design of all new housing developments should be of a high standard and layout and enhance the quality of local places whilst respecting local character, spatial standards, context and density.


Option 17 (page 37, paragraph 3) - There were concerns that the wording for this paragraph, including reference to ‘10% of 1-9 houses’ in numberical terms did not make sense.  Officers were requested to re-word the paragraph.


Option 19 (page 38) - delete the words 'a mix of'.


Option 30 (maps) - Members requested that the maps be amended to clarify locations within the Borough and for the descriptions to be revised accordingly.


Option 32(ii), (page 53, second bullet point) - Incorporate reference to the possible impact on Green Belt land.


Supporting Communities (page 57, final line) - amend to read:- '..over 60 years of age recorded in 2011 than in 2001, almost half of the total….'


Option 35 (page 58) - amend to read:- 'To support the quality of life in all Bromley's neighbourhoods through the appropriate provision and retention of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34