Issue - meetings

Planning Performance and Proposed Direction of Improvements

Meeting: 29/01/2013 - Development Control Committee (Item 38)

38 Planning Performance and Proposed Direction of Improvements pdf icon PDF 126 KB

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As requested by Members at the R&R PDS Committee meeting held on 17 January 2013, a report had been submitted to this meeting, drawing Members’ attention to a Planning Improvement Plan outlining ways to stimulate economic growth, halt the downward trend in planning application performance, bring about changes in national planning requirements and draw attention to the periodic need to consider service delivery. 


The Chairman outlined the report and asked Members to suggest further categories they would like to include in the Improvement Plan.


Councillor Fookes suggested that the Customer Service category should include reference to keeping consultees up-to-date with the progress and decisions made in regard to planning matters.  Agreeing with Councillor Fookes, Councillor Harmer suggested that decisions could be processed and sent electronically.  He encouraged Members to engage more with residents in matters of planning and enforcement and he was aware that letters sent to residents did not inform them that they could contact their Ward Members.  In this regard, Councillor Harmer requested that Members be given access to the Planning Portal as it was frustrating not being able to obtain information concerning controversial applications.


Councillor Papworth was pleased to see the inclusion of a category relating to Planning Enforcement and Untidy Sites Communication, in particular the commitment to agree a package of performance monitoring information on enforcement/untidy site cases.  Councillor Papworth said it was important that the Council use its  ability to carry out enforcement action as quickly as possible and rigorous targets should be set in that respect.


Councillor Jackson commented that the category of 'Support Economic Growth' appeared slightly incongruous with the remaining categories on the list and he suggested amending this to read 'Support a Variety of Planning'.


It was suggested that when the report concerning the Improvement of Customer Service was submitted, that all Members of the Council should be invited to the meeting.


Members agreed that Improving Customer Service should be the first priority on the list followed by Improving Planning enforcement and Untidy Sites Communication.


The Acting Chief Planner was congratulated on bringing this report before Members.


This report was also considered by the R&R PDS Committee on 17 January 2013.  At that meeting, Members had requested further information on the outcome of enforcement action undertaken both previously and currently.


The Acting Chief Planner reported that not all representations and objections presently appeared on the planning web site but this was something he hoped to rectify in the future.


RESOLVED that the Outline Planning Improvement Plan be endorsed as a framework for improvement and reports on specific improvements be brought to the Committee as necessary.