Issue - meetings

Education Portfolio Budget Monitoring Report 2012/13

Meeting: 19/03/2013 - Children, Education and Families Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 72)

72 Education Portfolio Budget Monitoring Report 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 129 KB

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Report ED130049


The Portfolio Holder introduced a report outlining the budget monitoring position for the Education Portfolio based on expenditure to the end of January 2013.  The Schools’ Budget, funded from the Dedicated Schools’ Grant and specific grants, was forecast to spend in line with budget.  The Non-Schools’ Budget, funded from Council Tax, Revenue Support and specific grants was forecast to be in an underspend position of £2,114,000.


In response to a query from a Co-opted Member, the Early Years Manager confirmed that the recent restructure of the Early Years Service would not impact the level of service provided for early years and that there was no reduction in the number of officer posts.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:


1)  Note Members’ comments on the budget monitoring position for the Education Portfolio;


2)  Approve the latest 2012/13 budget projection for the Education Portfolio; and,


3)  Approve carry forward requests for £297k for urgent property work for children’s centres, and for specific Dedicated Schools’ Grant projects totalling £204k (as detailed in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of Report ED13049).