Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/05/2013 - Children, Education and Families Budget Sub-Committee (Item 5)



Report ED13055


The Sub-Committee considered a report setting out post completion reports on works carried out for the expansion of Bickley and Princes Plain Primary Schools, the rebuilding of The Highway Primary School and the creation of the Hawes Down Centre.  The Capital Programme Procedures required that a post completion review be carried out within 12 months of the completion of schemes that were included within the programme to assess whether the original scheme objectives were achieved, and whether the scheme was completed on time and within the original budget.


In reviewing the post completion reports, Members were concerned that all four projects had seen overspends on the tender estimate.  One project had overspent by a significant amount and the Local Authority was currently pursuing a claim against its consultant to recoup some of these losses.  The reasons for overspends varied across the projects and included spend on required furniture and equipment, the cost of accommodation moves, and additional tarmacing and roof works. 


Members were advised that there was a set allowance for furniture and equipment for each school project and that this was only exceeded where there was an educational imperative to do so and where funds were available.  The Head of Education and Care Services Finance noted that schools were required to fund any required items outside of the scope of their project.  In response to a question from Councillor Nicholas Bennett JP, the Assistant Director: Education confirmed that where appropriate furniture and equipment were reused across the Local Authority’s property portfolio to ensure efficient use of resources and reduce waste.


The Portfolio Holder for Education noted that costs had been incurred through out of hours electrical works in one project and queried whether this should be funded by the school.  The Education Strategic Capital Manager confirmed that there had been some out of hours work undertaken in one project due to impact on school operation, but this cost had also been incurred to ensure the scheme was delivered on time. 


Councillor Nicholas Bennett JP highlighted the importance of ensuring that the procurement process was robust in identifying all possible costs when developing the specification for any project.  It would be useful for Members to have an overview of the Council’s approach to project management, with a view to encouraging a holistic approach with a single oversight for all aspects of project delivery (including procurement) to minimise unforeseen project costs.  Following discussion, Members requested that an overview of the Council’s approach to project management be reported to a future meeting of the Executive and Resources PDS Committee.




1)  An overview of the Council’s approach to project management be reported to a future meeting of the Executive and Resources PDS Committee; and,


2)  The findings of the below post completion reviews be recommended to the Education Portfolio Holder for approval:


  • Expansion of Bickley Primary School by 210 pupils;
  • Expansion of Princes Plain Primary School by 105 pupils;
  • Rebuilding of The Highway Primary School; and,
  • Creation of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5