Issue - meetings

(13/01055/FULL2) - Belle Grove, 100 Mickleham Road, Orpington

Meeting: 30/05/2013 - Plans Sub-Committee No. 4 (Item 4)

4 (13/01055/FULL2) - Belle Grove, 100 Mickleham Road, Orpington pdf icon PDF 544 KB




Description of application - Change of use from care home for the elderly (Class C2) to short term accommodation for the homeless (sui generis) with refuse store and car and cycle parking.


Oral representations in objection to and in support of the application were received.  Oral representations from Councillor Robert Evans, the Portfolio Holder for Care Services, in support of the application were received.  Oral representations from Ward Member, Councillor John Ince, were also received at the meeting.  It was reported that if permission were granted that the Housing Division had agreed that homeless people and families from the Cray Valley Wards would be given preference to the proposed accommodation wherever possible.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED as recommended, for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report of the Chief Planner with three further conditions to read:-

“3. No more than 93 occupants shall be accommodated at Belle Grove 100 Mickleham Road at any one time without the prior approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: In order to comply with Policies BE1 and H8 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of the residential amenities of neighbouring properties.

4.  Details of the proposed management and occupancy arrangements for the development, including any contractual requirements, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the premises shall subsequently be operated in accordance with the approved details.

REASON: In order to comply with Policies BE1 and H8 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of the residential amenities of neighbouring properties.

5.  The landscaping details, which shall include details of screen planting along the boundary with Goose Green Close shall be submitted to and  subsequently approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall be implemented in the first planting season following the occupation of the buildings or the substantial completion of the development whichever is the sooner.  Any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be  replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species to those originally planted.

REASON:  In order to comply with Policy BE1 and C1 of the Unitary Development Plan and to secure a visually satisfactory setting for the development and in the interest of the residential amenities of neighbouring properties.”