Issue - meetings

SACRE visit to Marian Vian School

Meeting: 05/06/2013 - Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (Item 6)

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Report No. ED13059


SACRE members visit local schools in order to observe the teaching of RE and to offer support to the RE Coordinator of the school. On 18th January 2013 the Chairman, Councillor Adams and Christopher Town visited Marian Vian Primary School. A report of the visit was considered by SACRE members.



Councillor Adams remarked in particular on the tour of the school by pupil “guides” which took place after a Year 5 class assembly, and the discussion on RE and collective worship which subsequently took place with pupils on the school council. Christopher Town commented on the excellent displays of RE work around the school and the very good RE lesson which had been observed.


The Chairman drew SACRE members’ attention to the key issues for SACRE outlined in the report. Members of SACRE found the report very useful and informative. The Chairman would write to the Head Teacher of the school to thank him on behalf of SACRE for allowing the visit to take place.


The RE Adviser informed SACRE members that a visit to Valley Primary school was being arranged for 20th June 2013* and a visit to Darrick Wood Secondary School was planned for 16th September 2013. Councillor Adams, Christopher Town and Fiona Hawkes indicated that they might be able to visit Valley Primary School and Councillor Mrs Manning and Samantha Barnett might be able to visit Darrick Wood School. Members were asked to email the RE Adviser direct to confirm their availability.




(i)  the report of the school visit be noted,


(ii)  SACRE members notify the RE Adviser if they would be able to attend the school visits planned for the summer and autumn terms.


(* It subsequently transpired that a visit on that date would not be possible and it was hoped that this could be rearranged for the 10th October 2013.)