Issue - meetings

(13/01115/FULL1) - Temporary Compound and Site Office, Gordon Way, Bromley

Meeting: 25/07/2013 - Plans Sub-Committee No. 4 (Item 8)

8 (13/01115/FULL1) - Temporary Compound and Site Office, Gordon Way, Bromley pdf icon PDF 384 KB




Description of application - Temporary use of site as compound (use class B8) and office (use class B1), with associated car parking.


It was reported that further objections to the application had been received.


It was also reported that the application had been amended by a revised plan received on 25 July 2015.


An update by the Planning Officer referred to comments received from TFL and the Highways Division.  Members were also informed that although the proposal did not accord with the three reasons which made development on Urban Open Space acceptable (as set out in Policy G8), in this instance, it was suggested that the temporary nature of the proposal and the fact that it was predominantly a use of land, along with the benefits of the town centre improvements it would support, made it a suitable exception to Policy G8.


Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED as recommended, subject to the conditions set out in the report of the Chief Planner with the deletion of conditions 1 and 2 and the addition of a further 4 conditions to read:-

'4  No trees on the site shall be felled, lopped, topped or pruned before or during building operations except with the prior agreement in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Any trees removed or which die through lopping, topping or pruning shall be replaced in the next planting season with trees of such size and species as may be agreed with the Authority.

REASON: In order to comply with Policy NE7 of the Unitary Development Plan and to ensure that as many trees as possible are preserved at this stage, in the interest of amenity.

5  The building(s) hereby permitted shall be removed and the use discontinued and the land reinstated to its former condition on or before 31 July 2013.

REASON: In order that the situation can be reconsidered in the light of the circumstances at that time in the interest of the amenities of the area.

6  No movement of vehicles shall take place on the site before 8 am or after 7 pm on Mondays to Saturdays nor before 10 am or after 4 pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

REASON: In order to comply with Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of the amenities of the area.

7  A plan showing the internal layout of the site including vehicular access and turning area and the tree protection area shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of use and the site layout shall be implemented and retained in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: In order to comply with Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interests of the amenities of the area.’