Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring

Meeting: 10/09/2013 - Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee (Item 29)


Additional documents:


Report: ES13102


  Report ES13102 provided an update on the latest 2013/14 budget position for the Portfolio based on expenditure and activity levels to 31st July 2013. It showed a projected underspend of £10k. 


The report also outlined expenditure and progress in implementing the Member Priority Initiative for the Portfolio and provided details of the latest expenditure within the Community Safety Budget.


Concerning Operation Payback, (part of the Community Safety budget) and in response to a question, the Portfolio Holder provided a brief update on the Payback service and associated issues. Councillor Auld highlighted a £2k bid for a dog microchip service within the Community Safety budget (under Safer Neighbourhood Grants) and was advised of Government measures requiring every dog to be micro chipped. The Council would be a significant beneficiary as stray dogs could be quickly returned to their owners, so providing a saving. The Council would work in partnership with the Dog’s Trust.


For the Member Priority Initiative of Targeted Neighbourhood Activity, Councillor Auld felt that little had been spent from the project’s £150k budget. He was concerned that there were not more projects underway. The Portfolio Holder explained that the budget was not time limited with no imperative to spend the allocation in a financial year. Activity was taking place (e.g. gating) and the Assistant Director added that work was progressing without the need for significant Council expenditure.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:


(1)  endorse the latest 2013/14 budget projection for the Public Protection and Safety Portfolio; and


(2)  note progress in implementing the targeted Neighbourhood Activity Project.