Issue - meetings

(13/01847/FULL1) - 131-133 High Street, West Wickham

Meeting: 19/09/2013 - Plans Sub-Committee No. 4 (Item 14)

14 (13/01847/FULL1) - 131-133 High Street, West Wickham. pdf icon PDF 338 KB





Description of application – Roof alterations to include velux windows, elevation alterations, part one/two storey rear extensions, conversion of first floor, second floor and roof space to provide 1 no x 1 bed and 7 no x 2 bed self-contained units with roof terrace garden areas, 6 parking spaces, cycle and refuse storage.


Oral representations in support of the application were received at the meeting.  It was reported that the Highways Division had no objection to the application. Objections to the application had been received from West Wickham Residents’ Association and a neighbouring resident with regard to parking, bulk and impact on amenity.  Comments from Environmental Health were also reported.

Councillors Simon Fawthrop and Councillor Julian Grainger were concerned the proposed development would be an over-intensification of the site and lacked amenity and parking and Councillor Fawthrop also referred to his, and to Councillor Reg Adams knowledge of the local area.

The Chief Planner’s representative advised that a parking survey had been undertaken on a previous scheme and the Highways Division had taken this into account.  He also advised that the bulk aspect of this application had already been permitted and a previous appeal had been dismissed but not on parking grounds.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reason:-

1. The proposed development, by reason of the number of units, lack of amenity space for future occupiers and insufficient levels of parking, would result in a cramped over-intensive redevelopment of the site, thereby contrary to Policies BE1, H7 and T3 of the Unitary Development Plan.