Issue - meetings

Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising

Meeting: 28/11/2013 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 31)

31 Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 248 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on the 26th September 2013 were considered and he following amendments were agreed:


Page 2, 2nd paragraph, first line, change definitely to possibly.


Page 3, 2nd paragraph, delete the last line.


Page 4, the last four paragraphs refer to the previous minute on integrated care.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2013 be agreed subject to the amendments above. 


The Chairman outlined some of the activities that had taken place since the last meeting;


He thanked Dr. Parson for arranging for him to attend a CCG meeting which he found very interesting, he also attended a meeting on progress with the ProMISE programme and a VSSN event arranged by Community Links Bromley.


He noted developments with Kings.


He also extended his thanks to Peter Gluckman who had arranged and facilitated groups involving Officers and Members of the board. 


The Chairman then explained that he was aware that there some administration issues which needed to be resolved to ensure that reports are not late or were tabled as this did not give the Board sufficient time to consider reports before the meeting.  He will be working with Officers to ensure this did not happen again.