Issue - meetings

Article 4 Direction - Station Square, Petts Wood

Meeting: 07/01/2014 - Development Control Committee (Item 39)



Report DRR 14/005


Members considered whether the Portfolio Holder for Renewal and Recreation be requested to confirm the making of a ‘non-immediate’ (12 month) Article 4 Direction to restrict specific permitted development rights for commercial frontages and forecourts in Station Square, Petts Wood in order to preserve the character of the Station Square conservation area by allowing the Council to consider each proposal on its merits.


A map outlining the area concerned was circulated to Members.


Councillor Fawthrop thanked the Chairman for allowing the report to be considered by Members and also thanked the Deputy Development Control Manager for providing the report.  He informed Members that the recommendations set out in the report were supported by all three Ward Councillors.  Councillor Fawthrop drew attention to the implementation of a 12 month delay before the Direction came into effect.  He moved in favour of the recommendations as he wished to protect the visual amenity and historical value of the area under consideration.


Councillor Auld reported that during recent years, a number of businesses in the area had proceeded to erect boundary walls which had caused problems that were difficult to resolve.  He seconded the motion in favour of the recommendations.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder for Renewal and Recreation be recommended to confirm a non-immediate (12 month) Article 4 Direction withdrawing permitted development rights in Station Square, Petts Wood, Conservation Area in respect of the following Parts of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended):


(i)  Part 2 Class A: The erection, construction, maintenance, improvement or alteration of a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure; and


(ii)  Part 4, Class B: Temporary uses and moveable structures associated with such uses.