Issue - meetings

Item 6 SACRE Responsibilities for RE

Meeting: 12/03/2014 - Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (Item 17)


Additional documents:


Item ED14039


An inquiry was carried out by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on RE, to investigate the supply of and support for teachers of RE. Teachers in Bromley were asked to be part of the survey. The report “Religious Education the Truth Unmasked” concluded that serious issues needed to be addressed if schools were to provide high quality Religious Education for every young person. SACRE Members noted that arising from the APPG report, the RE Council had issued guidance for Governing Bodies of Primary and Secondary Schools, outlining Governor’s legal responsibilities for RE and the recommendations made by the APPG.


Following discussion it was agreed that this information should be circulated to the Chairs and Clerks of School Governors of Primary and Secondary schools in Bromley. The Head of Schools and Early Years Commissioning and Quality Assurance advised that their details could be obtained from the Interim Head of Governance at LB Bromley. The RE Adviser would prepare a covering letter to be sent with the guidance.


RESOLVED that the guidance produced by the RE Council on the Provision and Training of RE Teachers be circulated to the Chairs and Clerks of Governors of Primary and Secondary Schools in Bromley.