Issue - meetings

School Visits Guidelines (Item 7)

Meeting: 01/07/2014 - Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (Item 28)

28 School Visits Guidelines (Item 7) pdf icon PDF 133 KB


It had been suggested by the SACRE Working Party (which met in December 2013 to consider the Development Plan)  that it would be helpful for SACRE Members to have a tick list/sheet for making comments when visiting schools. Arising from this the RE Adviser had prepared suggested draft guidelines for consideration which were discussed by SACRE Members at their previous meeting.


In the light of these discussions the RE Adviser had amended the guidelines and these were submitted to SACRE Members for consideration and discussion.


It was emphasised that the guidelines are not inspection forms and were not to be taken into the classroom. They are to be used  as an aide memoir and for comments to be recorded by SACRE Members after the school visit. The forms are then passed  to the RE Adviser to help her with the preparation of her report for SACRE.


Members present felt that the suggested guidelines were helpful but suggested that the following further amendments be made:


A heading to be put on the forms saying “Not to be taken into the classroom”.


Re: Commentary on an RE lesson


(AT1) to be inserted after “using religious vocabulary properly”

(AT2) to be inserted after “given time to reflect on what they have learnt”


(AT1- Refers to  Attainment Target 1 - “Learning about Religion”.)

(AT2- Refers to Attainment Target 2 - “ Learning from Religion.”)


An additional section to be put at the end of the form for

“Any Other Comments”.


The RE Adviser agreed to amend the forms accordingly and to present them to the next SACRE meeting for approval.


The Chairman emphasised that the purpose of the visits was to support and encourage good collective worship and religious education in Bromley Schools.