Issue - meetings

Spending by Primary, Secondary and Special Maintained Schools in 2013/14

Meeting: 09/09/2014 - Children, Education and Families Budget Sub-Committee (Item 20)


Additional documents:


Report ED15104


The Sub-Committee considered a report setting out all revenue and capital balances held by Primary, Secondary and Special Maintained Schools as at 31st March 2014, and providing a comparison to the balances held at the same time in the previous year.


In considering the revenue and capital balances held by Primary, Secondary and Special Maintained Schools as at 31st March 2014, the Chairman noted that Clare House Primary School had a deficit of -7%.  This was an historic deficit from 2012/13 and the school had been working closely with the Local Authority to agree a deficit recovery plan.  The school was currently expanding to two forms of entry which would support it to become more financially viable and it was expected that the deficit would be fully repaid in 2014/15.  Chelsfield Primary School had an uncommitted revenue surplus of 23% but planned expenditure was expected to reduce this to around 1%. 


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Head of Education, Care and Health Services Finance confirmed that the Schools’ Finance Support Team worked with schools identified as having a deficit to support them in maintaining their deficits at a reasonable level up to the point of closure.  The Schools’ Finance Support Team also worked with schools with high balances to ensure that they were being used effectively for the education of current pupils and that they were not being retained to protect against any funding reduction in future years. 


The Chairman requested that a report be provided to a future meeting of Education Budget Sub-Committee on the progress of management action taken by schools highlighted as having a significant budget deficit or surplus.  A Member also noted the need for Local Authority Governors of schools with a deficit to be more aware of the salary structure of staff and suggested that this be included in a future Local Authority Governor Forum.


RESOLVED that the financial position of Primary, Secondary and Special Maintained Schools at the end of the 2013/4 financial year be noted.